March 8, 2024
REMINDER …SPRING FORWARD – Don’t be late for church this weekend…be sure to set your clocks ahead on Saturday before bed! :)
EASTER BUNNY BREAKFAST TICKET DEADLINE is MONDAY March 11th. Please join us on March 16th for a delicious breakfast…some fun games… and a chance to meet the Easter Bunny but Tickets MUST BE PURCHASED AHEAD OF TIME! There will be no tickets sold at the door. Visit or call the office to reserve your spot by Monday March 11th! Email with any questions.
* Click on the link at the end of this email for more detailed announcements.
Here’s what’s happening this week at Trinity!
Worship Times: Saturday at 5:30 pm & Sunday at 8:30 am and 11:00am
This Sunday: Fourth Sunday in Lent
Lectionary Readings: Numbers 21-4-9, Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22, Ephesians 2:1-10, John 3:14-21
Wednesdays during Lent: Join us for Soup Suppers offered in the Auditorium beginning at 6 pm followed by Holden Evening Prayer in the Sanctuary at 7 pm
Christian Education-
Youth and Sunday School – - Classes will be held at 9:45am
Confirmation Class – Wednesdays at 6:30pm. Enter through the library entrance and meet in the church. Classes will be held in the youth loft.
Registration – Sunday School, Confirmation and Triniteens registration is still on going and open. Please visit our website for more information and to register.
Sharing – Food - Faith – Fun
WORSHIP PLANNING – Worship Planning will meet this Tuesday March 12th in the library at 4:00pm
KOINONIA (Event Planning) COMMITTEE - Are you interested in planning food, faith and fun at Trinity? Join us for our Koinonia meeting on Tuesday, March 12th at 6pm in the library.
EASTER LILIES FOR SALE - Plants cost $16.00 each and may be taken home after the Easter services. The deadline to purchase is March 18th. Use the paper form in the announcements and drop your order in the offering plate or in the office with cash or check OR order online at
Accepting donations this week for our Mission of the Month – The March Mission of the Month is Lutheran Social Services. You can contribute using the pew envelopes or online by clicking on additional giving.
Spiritual Care:
Visitation - If you would like a home visit, if you would like prayer, or if you have experienced a change in your wellness, please contact the office. We are happy to serve you!
Prayer Requests – Please contact the office with any prayer requests you would like to share.
* You can find more announcements including our prayer list for March 8, 2024 by clicking here.
Have a wonderful and safe weekend!
Trinity Lutheran Church
Trinity Lutheran Church
Teaching the Love of Christ
9701 Brandt Ave, Oak Lawn IL 60453
(708) 422-0193