April 19, 2024

Here’s what’s happening this week at Trinity! 


Worship Times:  Saturday at 5:30 pm & Sunday at 8:30 am and 11:00am


This Sunday:  Fourth Sunday in Easter

Lectionary Readings: Acts 4:5-12, Psalm 23, 1 John 3:16-24, John 10:11-18

Worship Assistants for April 20 & 21, 2024

4/20  5:30pm- Reader: Jerry Janecek

             5:30pm- Communion Asst: Pat Janecek


4/21  8:30am- Reader: Heather Rzechula

             8:30am- Communion Asst: Jim Scheibel

             8:30am - Ushers: Chris Reich & Joe Reich

             8:30am – Acolytes: Need 2


4/21 11:00am - Reader: Linda Mizutovich

         11:00am –Communion Assts: Gail Klimek & Linda Mizutovich

            11:00am – Ushers: Tim Landgrebe, Joe Thiel, Tom Jareczek

            11:00am – Acolytes: Carter Pyzik & Olivia Herrera


Christian Education-

Youth and Sunday School – - Classes will be held at 9:45am

Confirmation Class – Meet with Youth Group at 9:45am.

Registration – Sunday School, Confirmation and Triniteens registration is still on going and open.  Please visit our website for more information and to register.   

Sharing – Food - Faith – Fun

FIRST COMMUNION CLASS   - Saturday April 20th for those that have pre-registered.

Accepting donations this week for our MISSION of the MONTH- The April Mission of the Month is Evergreen Park Pregnancy Center.   We will be collecting baby items to help families. A wish list is in the printed announcements.   You can give this month by dropping your donations in the Gathering Place.    

HEALING SERVICE at TRINITY LUTHERAN- Luke 4:40...When the sun went down, everyone who had anyone sick with some ailment or other brought them to Jesus. One by one he placed his hands on them and healed them.   The ministry of Jesus invites us to new life in God and with each other. In the laying on of hands, we proclaim the good news that God desires us to be healthy and one in the body of Christ. You are invited to offer yourself, whatever your sickness of spirit, mind, or body and receive a sign of healing and wholeness in the name of the triune God. 

There will be a brief order of healing during worship after communion on the following days:

 Sunday, April 21st and 28th (both services)

Saturday, June 1

All are welcome to receive these prayers and blessings. 


TREE PLANTING CEREMONY- Mark your calendars for Sunday, April 28th at 9:45am for our tree planting ceremony commemorating Ashburn Lutheran’s 75th Anniversary. 

PENTECOST FLOWERS-  Geranium plants can be ordered as a memorial or to honor someone and they will be planted around Trinity for everyone to see.   Plants cost $6.00 each.  All orders are due by Friday May 5th.  Order forms are found in the announcements and at the Gathering Desk.  Place the order form in the offering plate or turn into the office with cash or a check written to Linda Bensen

SUMMER WORSHIP - Summer worship at Trinity will begin with our Pentecost and Confirmation service on May 19th @ 10:30am. From then on the worship schedule for the summer will be: Saturday service at 5:30pm and one Sunday service at 10:30am.


 VBS Registration is Open!  We hope you’ll join us at Camp Firelight VBS, where our Campers will enjoy an interactive, energizing, Bible-based good time as they face their fears while trusting God.  June 17th-21st  ~ 9:00am-11:30am. 

Register Campers Here:     https://tinyurl.com/vbsJoin24

 Helpers Needed!!  Sign up here:   https://tinyurl.com/vbsHelper24

SAVE THE DATE for the upcoming RUMMAGE SALE! Rummage drop off will be May 16th with sales dates of May 17th and 18th. Get to cleaning out those closets!!           

Spiritual Care:

Visitation - If you would like a home visit, if you would like prayer, or if you have experienced a change in your wellness, please contact the office. We are happy to serve you!

Prayer Requests – Please contact the office with any prayer requests you would like to share. 

* Just a reminder that there will be no link to the detailed announcements this week... thanks for your understanding. 


 Have a wonderful and safe weekend!



Trinity Lutheran Church


April 26, 2024


April 12, 2024