April 12, 2024
* Click on the link at the end of this email for more detailed announcements.
Here’s what’s happening this week at Trinity!
Worship Times: Saturday at 5:30 pm & Sunday at 8:30 am and 11:00am
This Sunday: Third Sunday in Easter
Lectionary Readings Acts 3:12-19, Psalm 4, 1 John 3:1-7, Luke 24:36b-48
Christian Education-
Youth and Sunday School – - Classes will be held at 9:45am
Confirmation Class – Meet with Youth Group at 9:45am.
Registration – Sunday School, Confirmation and Triniteens registration is still on going and open. Please visit our website for more information and to register.
Sharing – Food - Faith – Fun
PLANT SALE - Orders are due TODAY (4/12) for our plant sale. This is a fundraiser for the Trinity Bus Fund! Contact Linda Bensen ASAP if you forgot to place your order. (708-702-7026)
INDOOR POOL PARTY –Saturday, April 13th at Pelican Harbor in Bolingbrook. Join us at 12:00pm. This is an event open to ALL ages …everyone is welcome! Cost is $11/person. We hope to see you there. Questions contact Nicole 708-743-9837.
WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY - Rachel Circle will meet Tuesday, April 16th at 6:30pm in the library. The topic will be “Belonging and your potential as a disciple.”
CUB SCOUTS SCOUTING FOR FOOD - Once again, Cub Scout Pack 3618 and Scouts BSA Troops 618 from Trinity Ev. Lutheran Church will be collecting non-perishable food items for the Pilgrim Faith Food Pantry on Saturday, April 13th, from 9:00am until 11:30am in the church parking lot. A box will also be set up in the gym for donations from April 6th to April 13th. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. For more information, please contact Scoutmaster Glen Ritter at 773-406-3736.
Accepting donations this week for our MISSION of the MONTH- The April Mission of the Month is Evergreen Park Pregnancy Center. We will be collecting baby items to help families. A wish list is in the printed announcements. You can give this month by dropping your donations in the Gathering Place.
VBS Registration is Open! We hope you’ll join us at Camp Firelight VBS, where our Campers will enjoy an interactive, energizing, Bible-based good time as they face their fears while trusting God. June 17th-21st ~ 9:00am-11:30am.
Register Campers Here: https://tinyurl.com/vbsJoin24
Helpers Needed!! Sign up here: https://tinyurl.com/vbsHelper24
Spiritual Care:
Visitation - If you would like a home visit, if you would like prayer, or if you have experienced a change in your wellness, please contact the office. We are happy to serve you!
Prayer Requests – Please contact the office with any prayer requests you would like to share.
* You can find more announcements including our prayer list for April 12, 2024 by clicking here.
Have a wonderful and safe weekend!
Trinity Lutheran Church
Trinity Lutheran Church
Teaching the Love of Christ
9701 Brandt Ave, Oak Lawn IL 60453
(708) 422-0193