March 29, 2024

May Christ’s Passion strengthen us as we are reminded of His ultimate sacrifice. 

“But he was wounded for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the punishment that made us whole, and by his wounds we are healed.  Isaiah 53:5

* Click on the link at the end of this email for more detailed announcements.

 Here’s what’s happening this week at Trinity! 


Friday:  Good Friday - March 29th at 7:00pm

 Saturday: Easter Vigil and Resurrection of our Lord- March 30th at 5:30pm

 Sunday: Resurrection of our Lord – March 31st at 8:30am & 11:00am

Lectionary Readings:  Acts 10:34-43, Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24, 1 Corinthians 15:1-11,  Mark 16:1-8


Christian Education-

Youth and Sunday School – - Sunday School Easter Egg Hunt at  9:45am

Confirmation Class –  No longer meeting on Wednesdays but will continue to meet on Sundays with Youth Group at 9:45am beginning April 7th. 

Registration – Sunday School, Confirmation and Triniteens registration is still on going and open.  Please visit our website for more information and to register.   

Sharing – Food - Faith – Fun

Koinonia (Event Planning) Committee- Are you interested in planning food, faith and fun at Trinity?  Join us for our Koinonia meeting on Tuesday, April 2nd at 6pm in the library.

Women of the Church – Meeting at 7pm on Tuesday, April 2nd in the library

Seniors Meeting -  Please join us for our monthly meeting Thursday, April 4th at 12:30

Accepting donations this week for our MISSION of the MONTH- It’s the last week of March but there’s still time to donate to  Lutheran Social Services.  You can contribute using the pew envelopes or online by clicking on additional giving.  


Spiritual Care:

Visitation - If you would like a home visit, if you would like prayer, or if you have experienced a change in your wellness, please contact the office. We are happy to serve you!

Prayer Requests – Please contact the office with any prayer requests you would like to share.


* You can find more announcements including our prayer list for March 29, 2024  by clicking here.

Have a wonderful and safe weekend.  Happy Easter!


Trinity Lutheran Church


April 5, 2024


March 22, 2024