January 11-12, 2025


Worship Times: Saturday at 5:30pm and Sunday at 10:30am

This Weekend’s Readings: Isaiah 43:1-7, Psalm 29, Acts 8:14-17, Luke 3:1-22  

This Weekend: “Jesus’ Baptism”

A time after Epiphany…As we take down our Christmas trees, put away decorations and settle into the winter, we move into the church season of Epiphany where we will focus on the Gospel of Luke and Jesus’ ministry beginning with his baptism at the River Jordan. Please join us this weekend as in worship we renew our baptism vows in our worship time together.


Epiphany, according to the dictionary, means the sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something. 


"Just like friends, epiphanies come in many shapes and sizes. Like friends, you never know when or where you might experience an epiphany, perhaps one that will even change your life! Like friendships, some epiphanies unfurl over time while others immediately appear. Being open to both possibilities invites illumination into our lives and enrichment of our experiences with each other.”

(Intro to Women of the ELCA Bible Study)


As we move into our second year of interim ministry, I pray that the Holy Spirit will bless our congregation with many epiphanies where we experience insight and vision as we discover together meaningful ministries for the future of our church. 


A prayer of the season of Epiphany:

May we each day open the window of our worlds, inviting the fresh Light of Epiphany to flood us with hope, to bring us fresh insight, and to fill us with grateful joy. May we see the world around us with new creation eyes, filled with potential and brimming with promise. May our lives be a continuous unfolding into God’s grace, revealing new vistas that expand our faith horizons. In Jesus’ name, we pray, and by his name we are saved. Amen.



Saturday 1/11 5:30pm                 

Leader: Linda Bensen                  

Reader: Cindy Maynard                     


Sunday 1/12 10:30am     

 Asst. Leader: Linda Kay  

Reader: Judy Goebel   

Comm Asst: Judy Goebel, Linda Mizutowich   

Usher: Dan Kelly, Jeff Kueltzo 

Acolyte: Miles McCain, Bryce Cole                                   


CHRISTIAN EDUCATION                                          

Youth and Sunday School – Classes are held from 9:30-10:15am.                                                   

Confirmation Class – Meet on Sundays at 9:30am. 



Tuesday, January 14th 6:30pm Council Meeting

Thursday, January 16th 12:30pm Seniors Luncheon



Mark your calendars for our Annual Meeting on February 2, 2025, immediately after the 10:30 service.

The 2024 Annual Report will be emailed electronically by January 19th. 



Mon- 8am-2pm | Tues- CLOSED | Wed-8am-2pm | Thurs-8-12pm  | Fri-CLOSED

It is recommended to call ahead before stopping by 😊




BUS FUND: Joel Loven

DREAM FUND: Millie Strocchio in Memory of Harold & Dorey Wiltshire

                             Robert Gibisch in Memory of Loved Ones



DIVINE DOLLARS – There are few gift cards left in stock for immediate purchase but don’t forget you can place an order monthly for any cards not in stock.  This month’s deadline to order is January 15th.   Stop by the gathering desk for more information or call Lynn Jareczek (708-826-0055) with any questions.   


LSSI - We received a very nice “thank you” from LSSI and some of the families that benefited from the Thanksgiving Boxes we donated and the Confirmation Students packed. See our social media accounts or outside of the office for photos and more details of the thank you. 


COLLEGE CARE PACKAGES - College Care Packs are back! We will be collecting donations and packing boxes to be delivered mid-February. We are in need of the following: small snacks, microwave popcorn, granola/protein bars, candy, gum, mints, tissues, hand sanitizer etc.  We also hope to include small gift cards (Amazon, Starbucks) for each student, so we would appreciate monetary donations to purchase the gift cards and help with shipping costs. We  hope to send to packs to 14 students.  Please bring your donations to the gathering desk as soon as you can.   Thank you for your help with this important ministry.  


BUNCO – The January Ladies’ Bunco night has been canceled.  Next Bunco date TBD.



BIBLE BUCKS – Did you know that Sunday School students earn what we call Bible Bucks? Some of the ways they earn them are by attending class, bringing their bible and inviting friends. Twice a year the students get the chance to shop with their earnings! The next opportunity our “store” will be open is January 26th. We are looking for a few adults to help the younger shoppers during the Sunday School hour. If you can help out please contact Jill Schur or Nicole Goodfellow.



FOR ALL THE SAINTS – Trinity was saddened to hear the news that former member, Barb Skibins, passed away on Monday, January 6, 2025.  The visitation and funeral will take place at Trinity Lutheran in Mount Morris IL on Saturday January 11th  beginning at 11am. Please keep Barb’s family in your thoughts and prayers. 



Saturday 1/18 5:30pm               

Leader: Jim Scheibel                  

Reader: Pat Yeager                                      


Sunday 1/19 10:30am                                         

Asst. Leader: Tom Jareczek  

Reader: Jeff Allen

Comm Asst: Lynn Jareczek, Gail Klimek 

Usher: Tim Landgrebe  

Acolyte: Bryce Cole, Violet Martinez



Sunday, January 19th   10:30am 2025 Council Installation

Tuesday, January 21st 4:00pm Worship Committee Meeting

Tuesday, January 21st 6:30pm Women’s Bible Study

Sunday, February 2nd After 10:30am worship Congregation Annual Meeting


As the hardships of orphaned children & families continue to grow because of the war in Ukraine, l am collecting warm clothing & medicine again like we did a few years ago here at Trinity. These donated goods will ship by sea container through Love Cradle International.

Items needed:
Warm Coats/hats/mittens- should be new or gently used
Fleece garments for children & adults. NO CAMOUFLAGE!
Undergarments for children (new only) warm socks
Medicines:  Tylenol, Children’s pain medicine & flu/cold cough syrup

Please bring your donations to church on Sundays and place them in the Gathering Place.  Or they can be brought during the week to the office during the week w when the office hours.  Donations will be picked up on Sunday Feb 2.
Your donations & love for this project is greatly appreciated.

Thank you so very much, Linda Mizutowich


PRAYER LIST January 11-12, 2025

Trinity Members

Ron Evans, Linda, Linda Jaeger, Steve Sakal, Karen Weaver, Dawn Fish, Joe Thiel, John Kimek, Daniel Garcia, Marce Schultz, Ely Peters, Larry Reich, Jim Gallagher, Frankie Jobb


Friends & Family of Trinity Members

Laila Ismail and Family by Nicole Goodfellow

The Family of Barb Skibins

Linda Thompson by Dave & Diane Thompson

John Maluta by Jan Enderle

Ryan by Barb Fitzpatrick

Pat M. by Linda Peterson

Joe & Kathy Streit by the Bill & Sue Waterstraat

The Family of Manfred Strigun by the Gallagher Family

Sue Borcherding by Kathy Baldea

Marilyn Nowak by Trinity Prayer Team

MaryLynn Schultz by Trinity Prayer Team

Danny by Trinity Prayer Team

Team Alpha International Ministry

Isabel by the Peters Family

The Beldzig Family by the Gallagher Family

David Ketter by the Gallagher Family

Lindy Roth by Linda & Cathy


TRINITY’S PRAYER LIST REMINDER- Please note, names submitted to the Trinity Prayer List will remain on the list for four weeks. After four weeks, the name(s) will be taken off but they can be re-submitted.   Please use the pew Connection Cards or email office@trinityol.org for all prayer requests.




1/3 Luke Sakal

1/4 Amy Enderle

1/5  Rebecca Garcia                                    

1/5    Sharon Poljak                                       

1/6   Chris Reich                                                 

1/6   Hal Sollis

1/6   Jared Peters

1/6   Jerry Hastings

1/7   Julia Lanigan

1/7   Joseph Huscher

1/7   Ryan Baikie

1/10  Mary Green

1/10  Kaden Dangman 

1/11  Rebecca Craig 

1/12  Jason VanCauwenberge

1/12  Jennifer Buschbach 

1/14  Nancy Lodl 

1/14  Mia Bernardy

1/15  William Kasick                                                                                            

1/18  Violet Martinez 

1/18  Natalie Garcia

1/19  Bob Phelan 

1/21  Tim Landgrebe

1/21  Isabelle Smith

1/21  Laura Masters 

1/22  Julia Huscher

1/22  Emily Kae Schoening 

1/23  Caleb Mobley

1/23  Ninae Bernardy

1/24  Henry Evers

1/25  Elliot Masters 

1/26  Benjamin Smith 

1/27  Liz Cyze 

1/29  Arianna Bedolla 




1/26  Paul & Linda Jaeger

1/29 Ninae & Robert Bernardy


Pastor Charisse Jensen Interim Pastor pastor@trinityol.org

Nicole Goodfellow Youth Director youthdirector@trinityol.org

Jan Enderle Office Manager office@trinityol.org   

John Weaver Custodian johnweaver9701@trinityol.org                         



January 18-19, 2025


January 4-5, 2025