February 22, 2023
Here’s what’s happening this week at Trinity!
Worship times - Saturday at 5:30pm, Sunday at 8:30am & 11:00am
This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday - Worship at 7:00pm
Lectionary readings: Joel 2:1-2, 12-17, Psalm 51, 2 Corinthians 5:20b-6:10, Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21
This Sunday; Lent 1, Inheritance of Faith
Lectionary readings: Genesis 2:15; 3:1-7, Psalm 32, Romans 5:12-19, Matthew 4:1-11
Large Print Bulletins are available upon request.
Mid-Week Lent Worship Services- supper will be served between 6:00 and 7:00 pm. Service will begin at 7:00pm.
Christian Education:
Confirmation Class will meet this week at 6:30pm. Parents please come to worship at 7:00pm.
Sunday School will have classes at 9:45am.
TED: Starting Sunday, February 26 at 9:45 in the library. Good conversations based on our Good Enough devotional living in Lent
Trinity is looking for Acolytes - Trinity is looking to train acolytes to assist in services. Children interested should be the age of 10 or older. A short training will be provided. Parents of children interested should contact Adam Schur at 219-395-6690
Rachel's Circle Bible Study-Rachel's Circle will meet on Tuesday, February 28th at 6:30pm in the library. Topic will be based on the book "Simple Abundance - A Daybook of Comfort and Joy " by Sarah Ban Breathnach. We look forward to seeing you!
Sharing – Food - Faith – Fun
Lent Supper - Ash Wednesday - February 22nd Vegetable Beef, Servers: Women's Board
Accepting donations this week for our mission of the month - The month of February will focus on - ELCA Disaster Relief Fund. TO MAKE A DONATION: 1.Write a check made out to Trinity Lutheran Church and write “Monthly Mission” on the memo line. You can place the check in a Mission envelope found in your box of envelopes or use a pew envelope and write “Mission” on the envelope. 2.Give online as a one-time donation from the fund dropdown box and click Monthly Mission. Thank you for supporting this very important ministry of Trinity.
Spiritual Care:
Visitation - If you would like a home visit, if you would like prayer, or if you have experienced a change in your wellness, please contact the office. We are happy to serve you!
Prayer Requests – Please contact the office with any prayer requests you would like to share.
Trinity Lutheran Church
Teaching the Love of Christ
Saturdays at 5:30 pm / Sundays at 8:30 & 11:00am
9701 Brandt Ave, Oak Lawn IL 60453
(708) 422-0193