February 16, 2025
Thinking of you on Valentine's Day, with love and a special prayer...that the Lord will bless you always and keep you in his care.
Worship Time: Sunday at 10:30am (Reminder: Please wear your name tag!)
This Weekend’s Readings: Galatians 2:16-21, Psalm 119:113-120, Luke 7:18-35
This Weekend: “More Than a Prophet”
Join Us for Worship… The people are wondering if things are ever going to change. John, not having an answer sends men to ask Jesus for himself. Jesus reminds them of all he has already done and points out to those gathered that no matter how they go about things, someone will always find fault.
God of mystery, Just as the crowds wondered about Jesus, we too, wonder about you. Who are you to us? Are you the one? Show us that you are God, mysterious, wonderful, mighty. Amen.
WELCOME BACK PASTOR TOM! Pastor Tom Prochaska will be preaching and presiding this Sunday, February 16th, while Pastor Charisse is on vacation. It’s great to have you back with us at Trinity, Pastor Tom!
Asst. Leader: Linda Bensen Reader: Jan Wenski Comm Asst: Lynn Jareczek, Linda Peterson, Jan Wenski Usher: Tom Jareczek, Jeff Kueltzo Acolyte: Violet Martinez, Miles McCain
Youth and Sunday School – Classes are held from 9:30-10:15am.
Confirmation Class – Meet on Sundays at 9:30am.
CHECK OUT THE SUNDAY SCHOOL BAKE SALE...Sunday, February 16th Pick up some yummy treats and support the Trinity Sunday School program at the same time!
Sunday, February 16th
Before & After Worship
Sunday School Bake Sale
Tuesday, February 18th
Women’s Bible Study
Thursday, February 20th
Seniors Luncheon
Mon-8am-2pm | Tues- CLOSED | Wed-8am-12pm | Thurs. 8am -2pm | Fri- CLOSED
As always, it is recommended to call ahead before stopping by 😊
COLLEGE CARE PACKS UPDATE - Thank you to everyone who donated care package items or monetary gifts for our college students. Thank you to Nicole Goodfellow and the confirmation students who helped pack the boxes and to Lynn Jareczek for organizing all of this! We sent 14 college students care packages with lots of goodies, including a $5 Starbucks gift card!
GIVING STATEMENTS – 2024 Giving Statements were emailed last week. If you do not have an email address on file with us, you should have received your statement by USPS. Please contact the office if you have any questions regarding your statement.
WEDNESDAYS IN LENT – Mark your calendars for Wednesday Lent Suppers to begin again on Ash Wednesday, March 5th. We hope you’ll join us for Supper at 6pm and Service at 7pm.
More details to come next week!
TRINITY CRAFT FAIR – HELP NEEDED – Trinity’s Craft Fair is returning on April 5, 2025 from 9am-3pm. We are looking for volunteers to help with this event: greeters, food cashiers, and helpers in the kitchen & raffle table. Shifts are 9am–12pm & 12pm–3pm. Please contact Lynn Jareczek (708) 826-0055 to sign up.
The Trinity Church Council hereby calls a special congregational meeting following our regular 10:30 am worship on Sunday, March 2 in the church sanctuary.
Congregation members will be asked to vote on 2 items:
*C4.05. - This congregation shall adopt and periodically review a mission statement which will provide specific direction for its programs. Proposed change to Trinity's Mission Statement from current "Teach the Love of Christ" to "Live the Love of Christ."
C13.05. - When a vacancy occurs, in a position for which the congregation calls a rostered minister, a Call Committee of six voting members shall be elected by this congregation. Term of office will terminate upon installation of the newly called rostered minister.
Chapter 13 (C13.05.) in Trinity’s Constitution states: …a Call Committee of 6 voting members shall be elected by this congregation. Term of office will be terminated upon installation of the newly called rostered minister.
Church Council nominates the following members to be voted on by the congregation on March 2 following worship.
Nominees: Jeff Allen - Paul Enderle - Amy Luckett - Mark Peters - Jim Scheibel - Jan Wenski
Pastor Charisse asked each of them, “why did you say ‘yes’ to being on the Call Committee? Please see attachment or the printed announements available at church on Sunday, for their replies.
Sunday 2/23 - 10:30am
Asst. Leader: Larry Symanski
Reader: Tom Ollenburger
Comm Asst: Tom & Kris Ollenburger
Usher: Tim Landgrebe, Tom Jareczek
Acolyte: Violet Martinez, Olivia Herrera
Sunday, March 2nd 10:30am Transfiguration Sunday / Congregational Meeting
Tuesday, March 4th 6:00pm Christian Fellowship Committee
Tuesday, March 4th 7:00pm Women of the Church
Wednesday, March 5th 10:00am Ash Wednesday Service & Sacrificial Breakfast
Wednesday, March 5th 6:00pm/7:00pm Lent Supper/ Ash Wednesday Service
Thursday, March 6th 12:30pm Seniors Meeting
As we begin this first quarter of the year, we are excited to highlight four special funds within our budget that provide opportunities for you to practice generosity:
1. Keep the Dream Alive Fund 2. Scholarship Fund 3. Christian Education Fund 4. Bus Fund
Each of these funds represents a way to reflect God’s creativity, love, and generosity. Together, they enable us to meet real needs and make a meaningful impact in our community. This week Trinity Elder, Amy Enderle shares about the Keep the Dream Alive Fund. Please see attachment or the printed announcements available at church on Sunday.
The following Council positions were approved: Kurt Staehlin as Deacon to replace Larry Reich, Charlie Ryan as Treasurer, and Kurt Staehlin as Head Deacon. Sue Phelan, Charlie Ryan and Tom Ollenburger were approved to oversee the additional funds and investments.
Council Installation is scheduled for January 19, 2025.
Nominating Committee members are Sue Phelan, Kurt Staehlin, and Jobey Hendel.
Three more members are needed.
The Audit Committee needs three members.
Suspending (discontinuing) the Saturday evening service effective following the January 18, 2025 was approved.
The Elders reported that the Christmas Eve 6:30pm service attendance has increased in the past couple of years.
The deacons reported that an Audit procedure will be created.
The 2025 proposed budget was approved subject to revisions not to exceed a $6,000 increase in expenditures.
The annual Congregation Meeting will be held February 2, 2025.
Pastor Charisse Jensen expressed gratitude for the opportunity to serve as Interim Pastor and explained the purpose/expectations of Intentional Interim Ministry which is to prepare the congregation for the next Pastor. She reviewed the priorities established by the Council of Worship and Music, Youth and Family, and Serving outside the congregation. She reported that the Vision Team will be presenting a report at the February Council Meeting. The Call Committee is expected to be in place by March.
The 2025 Budget was approved. Kurt Staehlin explained he role of pledges in preparing the budget and noted that adjustments will be required to the budget if a new pastor is called in 2025.
Auditors Diane Thompson, Beth Kelly, and Jim Scheibel were confirmed.
The Nominating Committee consisting of Sue Phelan, Kurt Staehlin, Jobey Hendel, Craig Lanigan, Donna Symanski, and Paul Enderle was elected.
* Please know that Council's approved minutes from theri regular meetings are available as public records in the church office for anyone that wishes to read them.
PRAYER LIST February 16, 2025
Trinity Members
Dan Kelly, Linda Kay, Larry Reich, Steve Sakal, Linda Jaeger, Ron Evans, Therese Jacobsen, Ruth Dahl, Cathy Cepican, Dave Smart, John Klimek, Dawn Fish, Karen Weaver, Mike Maty, Daniel Garcia
Friends & Family of Trinity Members
Team Alpha International Ministry
David by Prayer Team
Bev Brinkop by Jan and Gary Enderle
The Bermudez Family by the Gallagher Family
The Family of Faith by Rebecca Garcia
MiKayla Craig & Family by the McNaughton Family
Suzanne Tomasek by Trinity Prayer Team
Jim Meyer by Karen Rascher
Holly Jareczek by Tom & Lynn Jareczek
Isabel by the Peters Family
Brian Anderson
Please note, names submitted to the Trinity Prayer List will remain on the list for four weeks. After that time, the name(s) will be taken off but they can be re-submitted. Please use the pew Connection Cards or email office@trinityol.org for all prayer requests.
Pastor Charisse Jensen Interim Pastor pastor@trinityol.org
Nicole Goodfellow Youth Director youthdirector@trinityol.org
Jan Enderle Office Manager office@trinityol.org
John Weaver Custodian johnweaver9701@trinityol.org