February 1, 2023
Here’s what’s happening this week at Trinity!
Worship with us Saturday at 5:30pm, Sunday at 8:30am & 11:00am
We will be installing members of the 2023 Church Council at each service
This Sunday is the 5th Sunday after the Epiphany
Lectionary readings: Isaiah 58:1-12, Psalm 112:1-10, 1 Corinthians 2:1-16, Matthew 5:13-20
Large Print Bulletins are available upon request.
Christian Education:
Confirmation Class will meet tonight at 6:30pm in the library.
Sunday School will have classes at 9:45am.
Trinity is looking for Acolytes - Trinity is looking to train acolytes to assist in services. Children interested should be the age of 10 or older. A short training will be provided. Parents of children interested should contact Adam Schur at 219-395-6690
Lent Devotions – Order your copy of “Good Enough, 40ish Devotionals For A Life Of Imperfection.” As a church, I will be inviting us into the practices of Lent and encouraging we follow this devotional togetherish. The cost is about $20. Please let the office know if you’d like us to order a copy for you.
Sharing – Food - Faith – Fun
Chili Cook Off – February 19th – 12:45. Come to church ready for a warm Sunday filled with food and friends!
Koinonia Committee- Are you interested in food, faith, fun? Join us for our Koinonia meeting the first Tuesday of every month at 6pm in the library.
Reptile Fest - Thank you to all our Trinity family for their dedication and support with our efforts to put on different events! The reptile fest was a huge success , we opened the event to the community and had a tremendous response .We supplied every one with a hot dog , sloppy joe , cookies , lemonade , and passed out flyers with our Church information and spaghetti dinner information . Our numbers were around 200 people , adults and children. Dave DiNaso did a fantastic job of engaging everyone with his reptiles, There were a few screeches! The Women of the Church depend on our congregation to help with these events to put the Trinity Word out! There are too many people to mention by name, but please know from the bottom of our hearts we appreciate you ALL very much !!
Thanks again –
Women of the Church
Senior Valentine Lunch – February 16th 12pm in Trinity Auditorium Catered by Bartolinis (Italian Menu) Cost is $25 per person
2023 Auto Show - Interested in the 2023 Car Show......Pastor Jason is too! Sunday, February 19, 2023. We can board the bus after the chili cook off or come on your own. We will plan dinner out following the show. Email the office to confirm your interest. To purchase your tickets please go to https://tickets.drivechicago.com/
Save the Date!!! - Trinity’s 54th Annual Youth Group Spaghetti Dinner–March 18th, 2023. Carryout available from 3-6pm. Menu’s are available at the reception desk and will also be included in the Friday’s Announcements every week. ORDERS DUE MARCH 6th
Monthly Missions -As a way of proclaiming Trinity’s mission of “Teaching the love of Christ,” the Trinity Church Council is encouraging members to share God’s gifts given to each of us by supporting monthly missions. The month of February will focus on - ELCA Hunger Relief Fund. TO MAKE A DONATION: 1.Write a check made out to Trinity Lutheran Church and write “Monthly Mission” on the memo line. You can place the check in a Mission envelope found in your box of envelopes or use a pew envelope and write “Mission” on the envelope. 2.Give online as a one-time donation from the fund dropdown box and click Monthly Mission. Thank you for supporting this very important ministry of Trinity.
Super Bowl Squares- Now that the Bears Season is over, join the Trinity Super Bowl Fundraiser. Each square costs $50.00. If you have any questions, email kurt.staehlin@gmail.com. Here is the link:
Ladies Bunco -February 10, 2023
Doors will Open at 6:30pm, $10.00 per person, Lots of Prizes
Everyone has their own dice, No Bunco Experience needed
Please RSVP to Lynn at
lynnjsek@att.net or 708-826-0055
Spiritual Care:
Visitation - If you would like a home visit, if you would like prayer, or if you have experienced a change in your wellness, please contact the office. We are happy to serve you!
Prayer Requests – Please contact the office with any prayer requests you would like to share.
Trinity Lutheran Church
Teaching the Love of Christ
Saturdays at 5:30 pm / Sundays at 8:30 & 11:00am
9701 Brandt Ave, Oak Lawn IL 60453
(708) 422-0193