December 7-8, 2024
December 7-8, 2024
Worship Times: Saturday at 5:30pm and Sunday at 10:30am
This Week’s Bible Readings: Joel 2:12-13, 28-29, 1 Corinthians 12:4-13 John 7:37-39
This Weekend: Second Sunday of Advent / God’s Promised Spirt
Join us for worship…This Sunday, we hear from the prophet Joel, who reminds us that God can do the impossible. God's vision can shift the hearts of a community willing to be transformed. We light the second candle of Advent, the candle of peace. We are called to be peaceful and to spread that peace to everything and everyone around us.
Saturday 12/7 | 5:30pm
Leader: Jim Scheibel
Reader: Pat Yeager
Sunday 12/8 | 10:30am
Asst Leader: Larry Symanski
Reader: Amy Luckett
Comm Asst: Donna Symanski, Gail Klimek
Ushers: Dan Kelly, Jeff Kueltzo
Acolytes: Violet Martinez, Olivia Herrera
Youth and Sunday School – Classes are held from 9:30-10:15am.
Confirmation Class – Meet on Sundays at 9:30am.
DECEMBER SCHEDULE – We will meet and practice for our Christmas Program this Sunday, 12/8. The Christmas program is scheduled for Sunday, 12/15. We will not meet on 12/21 & 12/29 but Youth, Sunday School and Confirmation will resume on Sunday, January 5, 2025.
Sunday, December 8th ASAP Due Date for Poinsettia Orders
Tuesday December 10th 6:30pm Council Meeting
POINSETTIAS ORDERS ARE DUE!! Poinsettia plant orders must be turned in by Dec. 8th. See attachment for the order form or pick one up at the Gathering Place Desk this weekend. Place your order and money due (cash or check made out to Trinity Lutheran Church), in the offering plate or turn it in to the office. Please contact Jan Enderle with questions.
BUS FUND: Cindy Maynard, Larry & Leslie Reich in Memory of Vi Bernard
DREAM FUND: Larry & Leslie Reich in Memory of Jan Nielsen
2024 CHRISTMAS PROGRAM – This year's Sunday School program will take place on December 15th in our sanctuary during our 10:30am worship service. A potluck lunch will
follow the service. Please RSVP to Lynn (708) 826-0055 with how many will be attending the lunch, by 12/10. We are also asking families with last names beginning A-L to bring a side dish and last names beginning with M-Z , to bring a dessert. We can't wait to see you there!
RACHEL CIRCLE – Cathy and Linda invite you to a Rachel Circle Christmas at their new home -13762 Steeples Road, Lemont, 60439 - on Wednesday, December 18th, starting at 6:30pm. Feel free to bring an appetizer or dessert to share. All are welcome and a carpool can be coordinated for those that would like to drive together.
DIVINE DOLLARS - Starting on January 1st, we will only be ordering on the 15th of each month. Order forms are at the Gathering Desk. Someone will be at the desk each week to collect orders and answer any questions you may have. Also, we will no longer be having gift cards on hand to purchase. All cards will need to be ordered. We currently have gift cards in stock listed (see attachment) that you can purchase as we work through this current inventory. Quantities are limited. Please call Lynn Jareczek (708-826-0055) or the office if you have any questions about the gift card program. These cards are full, face-value cards that we purchase at a discount, and that discount is a fundraiser for Trinity.
For with God, nothing is impossible. Luke 1:37
The season of Advent has begun…a time to prepare for Jesus' birth. We prepare as we would for any new baby's arrival; we count down the days, we clean the house, we might even spruce up the house a bit, we gather in celebration, we buy gifts and we tell stories.
One of the greatest stories ever told is the coming of Jesus, the Messiah. God had promised that a Messiah, a king who would be like no other would be sent to rule the world in peace. But where did this promise come from?
This season we will read from the prophets Daniel Joel, and Issaiah who foretold long ago the coming of Messiah. Each prophet, living in impossible situations, trusted in God's faithfulness and each was delivered from seemingly hopeless situations.... for nothing is impossible with God!
As a Christian tradition, we will light the candles of the Advent wreath at the beginning of worship. The candles also represent Jesus coming as the light in darkness. One candle is lit each Sunday until all four candles are lit. As Christmas draws nearer, each candle brings a little more light into the darkness. We will light the fifth candle on Christmas Eve to celebrate the birth of Jesus and give thanks to God that Love came down at Christmas, God in the Flesh, Emmanuel. Thanks be to God!
CHRISTMASTIDE at TCC - The Trinity Christian College Music Department presents its Christmastide performance December 7th at 4:00 p.m. in the Ozinga Chapel auditorium. Choral performances will be by the Concert Choir, Gospel Choir, and Honors Ensemble. Instrumental performances will be by the Concert Band, Jazz Ensemble, and String Ensemble, as well as music faculty and Trinity's own Jared and Elyssa Peters. Purchase tickets online or call (708) 293-4537.
LIVING NATIVITY - December 14th at 6:30pm & 7:30pm - Mt.Zion Lutheran Church - 10400 S. Kostner in Oak Lawn. All children may participate in the story of the Nativity, told with music and live animals. See attachement for more info.
The Pilgrim Faith Food Pantry is having a Ham Drive! They would like to provide hams to local families for their Christmas dinners. If you’d like to contribute please email or visit to donate money via paypal.
Saturday 12/14 | 5:30pm
Leader: Jerry Janecek
Reader: Libby Timmons
Sunday 12/15 | 10:30am
Asst Leader: Diane Thompson
Reader: Linda Peterson
Comm Asst: Linda Peterson, Dave
Ushers: Tim Landgrebe, Tom Jareczek
Acolytes: Violet Martinez, Miles McCain
TIME & TALENTS – There are many volunteer opportunities at Trinity Lutheran Church. Contact the office or Click the link to pick a date to serve:
OFFICE HOURS *It is recommended that you call ahead, before stopping by. Thank you!*
Mon- 8am-2pm | Tues-CLOSED | Wed-8am-2pm | Thurs-8am-12pm | Fri-CLOSED
Sunday, December 15th 10:30am Sunday School Christmas Program & Potluck
Wednesday, December 18th 6:30pm Rachel Circle Christmas at Cathy & Linda’s
Thursday. December 19th 9:00am Seniors Event – Drury Lane
Tuesday, December 24th 6:30pm Christmas Eve Worship
Tuesday, December 24th 11:00pm Christmas Eve Worship
Wednesday, December 25th 10:30am Christmas Day Worship
December 7-8, 2024
Trinity Members
Karen Weaver, Ron Evans, Linda Kay, Rosemarie Brudnak, Joe Thiel
Friends & Family of Trinity Members
The Family of Jean Schuberth
The Family of Clint Riemer by Tom & Lynn Jareczek
Joe & Kathy Streit by the Bill & Sue Waterstraat
Bill & Faith P. by Barbara Boots
Michelle by Rebecca Garcia
Jerry Chopp by Don & Sharon Poljak
Sue Meyer by Karen Rascher
Team Alpha International Ministry
Brian Anderson
Beginning November 1st, names submitted to the Trinity Prayer List will remain on the list for four weeks. After four weeks, the name(s) will be taken off but they can be re-submitted. Please use the pew
Connection Cards or email for all prayer requests.
Pastor Charisse Jensen Interim Pastor
Nicole Goodfellow Youth Director
Jan Enderle Office Manager
John Weaver Custodian
12/3 Shelly DeRousse
12/3 Joey Enderle
12/3 Sandy Green
12/6 David Cyze
12/6 Stacey Fox
12/7 Jake Sakal
12/8 Neila Pirkl
12/10 David Smith
12/11 Elsie Sabbithi
12/15 Janet Swanson
12/16 Max Kasick
12/19 Marcie Schultz
12/21 Paul Jaeger, Sr.
12/27 Myles Lanigan
12/27 Cathy Cepican
12/28 John Swanson
12/2 Raymond & Kathy McCanna
12/20 Jason & Shelley Jobb
12/31 Kevin & Tina Donoghue